Ecopetrol versus Petrobras

Viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

Mi esposa, que es consultora en temas energéticos, lleva meses hablándome de la creciente interferencia política en Petrobras. Pero de igual modo me sorprendió este comienzo de una nota del blog Beyond Brics:

Ecopetrol, the Colombian national oil company with proven reserves of about 1.8bn barrels, has a bigger market capitalisation than Petrobras, the Brazilian giant with 18bn barrels of reserves and, potentially, multiples of that in its vast new pre-salt oil fields.

That, at least, is what a São Paulo consultancy announced this week. And even if the boffins’ numbers don’t quite add up, something remarkable is going on.

Lea el resto aquí.

Ah -y no se pierdan la última oración del artículo.

