Te invoco si me sirves, te desprestigio si me atacas

Viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

A través de Greg Weeks, llego a este artículo de Manuela Picq sobre la CIDH:

The inconsistency of government discontent indicates the tensions are often political. In Ecuador, Luis Saavedra, from the human rights organisation INREDH, notes that President Rafael Correa invoked reports from the Inter-American system to discredit prior rightist governments. Correa’s administration also cited principles of non-intervention in the OAS Charter to condemn the 2008 Colombian bombing against FARC leader Raul Reyes on Ecuadorian territory. It was only when the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression called into question efforts to censor opposition media, notably recommending precautionary measures on the case of the newspaper El Universo, that the Correa administration reacted strongly against the IACHR.

The Brazilian relation to the Court has been similarly contradictory. President Rousseff strongly supported the IACHR request that Brazil create a Truth Commission to shed light on human rights violations that took place during the 1964-1985 military dictatorship. In fact, prior to the Belo Monte rulings, President Rousseff invoked the Court’s authority and stressed her country’s engagement with the hemispheric human rights system. These cases demonstrate that Court decisions are supported when they are aligned with governmental agendas and attacked and discredited when the Court’s actions are perceived as inconvenient.

Hace unos días llamé a varios colegas de Ecuador, Brasil y Bolivia para preguntarles si recordaban casos de Correa, Rousseff, Lula o Morales alabando a la CIDH. Todos me dijeron que debía haber, pero que no se les venía ninguno a la mente. “Te escribo si recuerdo uno,” me dijeron. Ya no hace falta.

