Lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013
Escribiendo un pequeño artículo sobre la homofobia en Venezuela, me tropecé con esto de Javier Corrales sobre las exitosas estrategias que han utilizado los grupos que defienden los derechos de los homosexuales.
¿Puede aprender algo la oposición venezolana de estos grupos? Pónganse a ver, la lucha de la oposición, al igual que la lucha de las comunidades LGBT, es una guerra que se pelea bajo condiciones increíblemente adversas. Miremos entonces:
Rather than destroy the status quo, [LGBT groups] seek to work the status quo. Every time they encounter an institutional barrier, they search for openings elsewhere in the system. If the executive branch is impenetrable (as in Colombia), they work the national courts. If the national courts are impenetrable (as in Brazil and Chile), they work the bureaucracy. And if both are impenetrable, they shift locations. Sometimes, LGBT go abroad to lobby international organizations such as the United Nations, hoping this lobbying will have a boomerang effect. Other times they simply shift their target toward a new province, as occurred in Argentina in 2009, when a gay couple facing a legal challenge to marry found a province that would marry them. LGBT are not so much institution killers as they are institutional loophole-searchers, which is a rare trait in the category of anti-establishment politics.
No es que la oposición no haya aplicado ya algunas de estas estrategias. Pero ¿se podrá hacer de una manera más metódica, planificada, constante e inteligente?
Otra potencial lección:
LGBT groups…[have].. discovered the political advantage of embracing the marriage issue. It gave them a conservative argument to use against their conservative foes. Fighting conservatism with conservatism has proven to be a real coup.
¿De qué maneras creativas podemos acorralar discursivamente al gobierno utilizando sus propias causas/argumentos?
LGBT groups are succeeding in politics also because they are drawing lessons from the business world. From the ad industry, to give one example, LGBT groups have drawn the lesson that nothing sells like the creation of status symbols. Thus, LGBT groups have created the notion that being pro gay is a symbol of being modern, cosmopolitan, and hip. The notion that gay is chic does not always catch on, but every once in a while, it produces a knock out.
Por supuesto, la desventaja aquí es que la oposición no cuenta con la misma plataforma mediática con la que cuenta el gobierno para difundir un mensaje coherente e inteligente. De igual modo, ¿no hay espacio para ser más creativos con el mensaje?
LGBT groups know that their ideological forté is to focus on old-fashioned principles of the Enlightment–liberty and equality. Much of their success stems from their refusal to privilege one principle over the other, as the hard left and hard right often do, but rather, to always portray the fight for LGBT rights as a struggle for freedom and equality simultaneously.
En fin, uno de esos artículos con argumentos sobre un tema que, aplicados a otro tema, abren muchas avenidas de pensamiento.